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Before submitting samples to Nutrilab, you need to carry out several steps first. Sample collection is the first step in obtaining a sample. Clear instructions must accompany the collected samples. Sample submission to Nutrilab can take place in several different ways. The sample may be shipped by post or by courier to Nutrilab.
Samples should be taken from a batch or production process for analysis and carried out using the appropriate materials and following the correct procedure. Nutrilab can advise you in this process. Generally speaking, a 250-gram sample should contain sufficient material for carrying out analyses. If you would like to run a large number of tests on a sample and there is no 250-gram sample size available, please contact us for advice. If you are not in a position to carry out the sample collection yourself, one of our samplers can do this for you. If you wish to schedule a sample collection time, please contact our service department at [email protected] or +31 183-446305.
Once you have collected the samples from a batch or production process, it is important to send these to Nutrilab with accompanying instructions. Clear instructions ensure the proper processing of the samples and fewer delays in the analysis process. You can register your samples via webLIMS or provide us with the samples with an accompanying instruction form.
WebLIMS is our digital portal. New orders are processed in WebLIMS, and you can view and export the results. Registering samples in webLIMS is quick and easy. The only information you need to send with the sample is the order number generated during the registration process. The order number is critical for tracking and tracing the sample analysis procedure. You need an account in order to register samples in webLIMS. If you do not have an account, please contact us.
A manual has been drawn up for the use of weblims. This manual describes, among other things, how samples can be registered and test packages and templates can be created.
Samples can also be submitted with an accompanying instruction form. In this case, the information and descriptions stated on the sample and the instruction form must be clearly and correctly marked. You can download an instruction form here.
Once the samples and the instructions are ready for submission to Nutrilab, you can send the samples using a courier service or by post to our address:
Nutrilab b.v.
F.a.o. afd. Acceptatie
Burgstraat 12
4283 GG Giessen
Nutrilab has an in-house courier service for the pickup of samples. The vehicles are equipped with cooling and freezing facilities, allowing us to convey any type of sample quickly to Nutrilab. To schedule a pickup, please contact our service department at [email protected]. We will schedule your pickup as quickly as possible, and we will notify you of the pickup time and date. If you have an urgent order, please phone us at +31 183-446305.
At Nutrilab, we strive to complete analyses within five business days. Sometimes a shorter lead time for a sample or product analysis is required. If that is the case, please contact us to discuss the possibilities. Our service team will create a separate case number for the sample. The laboratory will then be aware of any agreements made, and the sample is given priority status. Add the case number as a reference to the order. As soon as the sample arrives at Nutrilab, it is immediately booked into our system.
We will be happy to visit you to discuss any quality questions or issues you may have.
Plan an advisory meetingIn our free white paper, we share information about the new rules of legislation, innovations in analysis and we tell you about the digitisation of the market. Download our white paper for free!
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